a very happy tree friends type influence i can sense,...
i can see the plan u had for the cartoon.. the hard part is getting that to translate well into pictures and sound .. to me personally i dont think u executed this in a very convincing or entertaining manner i hope im not being too harsh
you had Very good backgrounds in the beginning and your animation skills arent bad.. with everything you learned from this im sure your next cartoon will kick 10 times more butt, just dont cut corners and try visualising the scenes and how they could pan out best
you made it too confusing which ruined it for me ... where the one purple guy comes eating a moose head.. and the other guy seems to get mad... at him for ruining there plan...it took me that whole scene to figure out what the other guy was roaring about... and it was like.. are they on a team and is this there scheme.. or did that other guy just have the same plan.. anyways it wasnt half bad.. and it was Finished which 90% of ppl cant handle doing.. including myself
anywho good luck!